Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Diamond in the Rough quilt pattern tutorial

So here's the project...
[do you like that I named it? hah!]

Here is what we need...

Black- 5.25 yards {I used grey in the pattern so I could see the lines. You are free to use any color you choose and scheme you want. This pattern is for a quilt swap with my bff, so we will be using this pattern/color scheme.}
Red- 3 11" squares
Orange- 6 11" squares
Yellow- 8 11" squares
Green- 10 11" squares
Turquoise- 12 11" squares
Blue- 8 11" squares
Purple- 5 11" squares
1 yard for binding
1 king sized sheet for the back.

Batting for an 86" x 105" quilt. (queen size)

Draw a line diagonally through each of the colored squares of fabric on the back side.
Sew each colored square to a black square, front sides together, 1/4" from the drawn line, on both sides.
Cut each square in half diagonally down the center line.
Open and press each of your 104 HST.
Square up to be 10" blocks.
Arrange according to the pattern above. {Or make one of your own}
Make all your seams 1/4"
Make a 'quilt sandwich' with your sheet, batting and quilt top.
Pin and machine quilt, or tie it. I don't judge.

This pattern was inspired by this quilt.


  1. what program did you use to get the pattern drawn???

  2. I LOVE IT! I am so excited to have happened across your blog (Cheney Chatter Volume2) My email is

    I love so close to you that if we threw stones we'd hit each other! I'm a transplant and not from this are and have to admit I am a homebody mostly. Right now I am pretending to clean up my fabric mess that is eating up hubby's work shop. I have several kids prints that I think you'd make more use of then I. If you have time in your schedule please email me and we can see where this goes. (FYI I'm near Yelm Hwy where they just put those pesky traffic circled is)

    1. i'm not sure how i missed this comment but i'm glad you love the quilt! we will hopefully have a finished one soon to show off!
